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How Can You Protect Your Teen Driver?

On Behalf of | Aug 1, 2024 | Car Accidents

One of the most common dreams of teenagers is to drive a car. Getting around Georgia with friends, partners, and family is a common desire. Sometimes, teens learn to drive to get to school, work, or other responsibilities.

However, teen driving comes with its own risks. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2,514 young drivers (ages 15 to 18) died in motor vehicle crashes in 2022.

Parents are reluctant to talk about the risks of driving. However, the danger is real and requires the serious attention of everyone involved. Fortunately, there are some steps and recommendations that parents and children can take to help prevent car accidents.

What Can Teens Do to Drive Safely?

Whether on vacation or during school time, it is common to see young people behind the wheel. The Georgia Department of Driver Services and the NHTSA give some tips for young drivers:

  • Avoid distracted driving and put your phone down.
  • Fasten your seat belt.
  • Stay focused while driving.
  • No alcohol or drugs.
  • Do not speed.
  • Do not overcrowd your vehicle.
  • Keep your eyes on the road.
  • Learn the traffic laws.
  • Avoid drowsy driving.

Inexperience and distracted driving can lead to severe accidents. Driving is no ordinary subject. It requires responsibility, maturity and complete attention to the road.

What Can Parents Do?

Parents are concerned about their children. They want them to be safe at all times. Keeping Georgia’s roads safe is everyone’s responsibility. Parents, who usually have more driving experience, can help their children and prevent accidents:

  • Observe your child’s driver’s education classes.
  • Talk to your child about the dangers of drinking and driving.
  • Be a good role model.
  • Keep the car in good repair.
  • Carry auto insurance and review your policy with an attorney.
  • Respect the Traffic Law in Georgia
  • Learn about Georgia driver’s licenses and whether they apply to your children.

No driver, teen or adult, is exempt from being involved in a car accident. But safe driving is a sign of maturity. It can minimize the risk of a crash. Remember that individuals in Georgia can receive compensation after a car accident. For legal advice, you can contact an attorney experienced in personal injury.